mtvSolar marks César Chávez Day with service

Mountain View Solar celebrates a company Day of Service in the communities where we live and work during the last week of March, in honor of the Latino civil rights and agricultural labor organizer César Chávez. In 2014, César Chávez Day was declared a U.S. commemorative holiday on March 31 in honor of Chávez’ birthday. Chávez worked to improve the labor and living conditions of migrant farm workers, particularly in Arizona and California, where César Chávez Day is a state holiday.

Mike McKechnie

mtvSolar has a company commitment to service, but president and founder Mike McKechnie chose to honor the day for a very personal reason, as he explained in a company message:

“I was adopted when I was 2 weeks old, and raised in a wonderful, loving family. My Mom and Dad, sisters Mary and Kiki, and my brother Pete; this is my family, and I love them all so much. I have had a great life, full of opportunities, and chances to do what I thought I might want to, always supported and allowed to think differently and follow my dreams by my family. My birth mother was Cookie Goepel (Cookie passed away earlier this year) and my birth father was César Chávez (César died in 1993, probably as a complication from his last fast). I always felt like I could not tell people or talk about it growing up and most of my adult life, until now,” said Mike.

Chávez and his family became migrant workers after his parents lost their farm in Arizona during the Great Depression. He worked alongside siblings in several migrant camps, then left to serve two years in the U.S. Navy. After his service, he returned to migrant farmwork in Arizona and California.

César Chávez

“César spent the rest of his life fighting for la causa (the cause).  He was a civil rights, Latino and farm labor leader; a community organizer and social entrepreneur; a champion of militant nonviolent social change; and a crusader for the environment and consumer rights.  He was best known for his efforts to gain better working conditions for the thousands of workers who labored on farms for low wages and under severe conditions.  His legacy is of serving the under-served, of championing for the greater good,” Mike said. “This is a part of my story, and my heritage.”

Company employees will contribute their time and expertise with a variety of non-profit agencies in Berkeley Springs, WV and Winchester, VA to support their missions.

Employees will be lending a hand at The Kids Club of Northern Shenandoah Valley, Humane Society of Morgan County, Morgan County Starting Points and Morgan County Early Head Start.

“I want us all to go and help the less fortunate people in our communities. Give them a hand with the things they need help with,” said Mike.

Beware of fast & free solar schemes

Adding a solar generation system to your home or business can feel like a big step, with a substantial price tag attached. There’s no way around the fact that solar panels and electrical work cost money. The return on investment is calculated in years, not months.

Unfortunately, there are many solar energy “offers” out there which can put unknowing customers in a bad situation — often by claiming to be able to give away free panels or systems. These misleading scenarios can involve solar leases – where the property owner never owns the system – or outright scams.

If you’re considering adding solar to your home or business, it’s worth the time to check out the details of these offers before signing any contract or letting someone alter your property in any way.

At mtvSolar, we hear from many people that they have been approached by someone wanting to sell or “give” them a solar system – often a ready-made setup that can’t be customized — if they’ll only sign the contract TODAY. This is a red flag for any transaction, and we’re glad to hear many customers say they walked away from those “offers.”

In our experience, most customers want to own their own solar equipment. That lets them be more energy independent, adds home value, qualifies them for tax credits and allows them to manage their own energy usage.

Even with a growing pot of grant money and tax credits out there to support renewable energy efforts, solar panels aren’t free up front. The panels cost money, connectors and electrical supplies cost money, and the skills of a well-trained crew and electrician cost money.

Our Solar PV Consultants are up front about this fact, and spend time running through the numbers with our customers to see how a system can be financed, and will reduce utility costs over the long run.  mtvSolar customers can be eligible for zero-down loans to finance a solar installation over 10-20 years, or a number of other incentives that can reduce the cost of a system. We know that solar is a good financial choice, because we’ve helped customers cut their power bills and even earn money back through solar credits, where available.

mtvSolar has been designing custom solar energy solutions for residential, agricultural and commercial customers since 2009. We’re not in a rush to sell you a ready-made solar system, because that’s not how we work. Each customer has their own energy goal, and each project is unique. We spend the time to educate customers about their options, to customize a system to their goals, and to install it properly so it functions as it should.

Take your time to learn more about solar. Visit our “Resource Center” section on to see Frequently Asked Questions and check out the gallery of our work. When you’re ready, we’ll be here to help you achieve your solar energy dreams.

As Maryland electric rates rise, solar options grow

Maryland electric customers are about to see their residential power bills jump up as part of a planned electric rate increase approved by the state’s utility regulators. Meanwhile, the market for solar energy credits remains strong, making this an optimal time to put solar to work for you and your wallet.

Customers of Potomac Edison will see their costs for Standard Offer Service (SOS) electricity rise on May 31, 2023 from 6.537/kWh to 8.910/kWh – more than a 30% increase. That price will remain in place for just four months. On October 1, 2023, the price for electricity will be 9.22 cents/kWh. Again, that price is just for the short term – through May 31, 2024. The price for SOS electricity from June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025 will be set by Potomac Edison in January of 2024, the company says. Those costs reflect what electricity is costing Potomac Edison from its suppliers, the company says.

Maryland electric customers have choices about their power suppliers, from the open market to their own roof.

Solar energy continues to be a growing part of Maryland’s energy portfolio and is a very viable source for residential power needs. Customers can buy into community solar projects, seek out other renewables or install their own solar panels. Right now, there are unprecedented levels of federal grants and tax credits to make residential and commercial solar generation an achievable reality. If you’ve been interested in adding solar energy to your home to offset rising costs for electricity, this clearly is the time to take a step in that direction.

For commercial operations and farms, additional funding for renewable energy projects remains available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as part of their REAP grants – Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants. Project applications are due by March 31, 2023 for qualifying projects that serve small businesses and farms.

mtvSolar is your experienced, reliable source for guidance on adding solar to a home, business or farm in Maryland and the surrounding states. Explore our website, visit our FAQ page for Frequently Asked Questions about solar and click here to get your free estimate.

Going solar just got a boost with new federal credits & incentives

mtvSolar is excited to learn of new levels of federal support for clean energy projects, adding another layer of incentives for residential and commercial customers to install solar as their power source. These investments in growing the clean energy economy will have special impact around rural coal communities and on sustainable energy projects in low-income communities. Details of these programs were released just last week by the U.S. Treasury, the U.S. Department of Energy and the IRS.

mtvSolar has a long track record of building out solar in underserved communities, and working with partners to boost solar in low-income areas.

Danny Chiotos, mtvSolar Director of Product Delivery, said the U.S. government’s new funds for clean energy create “stacked incentives” to offset the costs of solar panels, battery systems, smart electric panels and related electrical work.

Commercial solar projects have access to the widest variety of federal credits, said Danny. Businesses can receive the standard 30% federal tax credit for solar energy project costs, can apply for the USDA and Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants to possibly cover up to 40% of the cost of commercial projects, plus the new location-based incentives that can add 10% additional credits for projects in coal-affected communities, and in low-income communities.

“When you start adding those together, we can be talking about covering nearly all of the costs of a commercial solar energy installation,” said Danny.

Residential solar projects can still receive the 30% federal tax credit for new systems, plus applicable depreciation on a homeowner’s taxes each year. Other credits may be available from individual state tax departments for energy efficiency work, using American-made clean energy components and more.

Customers are encouraged to consult their tax advisors as they work with our PV Consultants to make the most of these new federal incentives to power a business, farm or home with solar.

And it’s worth remembering that all tax credits and financial incentives are added to our customers’ main savings – free electricity generated by their solar panels harnessing the power of the sun.

Get in shape for summer – prep solar plans in winter to maximize energy payback all year

The sun shines year ‘round, so why does timing matter when it comes to designing and installing a solar energy system for your home or business? As Danny Chiotos, our Director of Product Delivery, explains, cold weather months are the best time to take steps towards adding solar to your home, farm or business. The goal, he said, is to be ready to generate electricity when the sun is shining brightest.

Danny Chiotos

Summer offers the most solar generation potential from your panels, giving you a chance to “overproduce” energy – generate more energy than your home, farm or business needs. 

In areas where homeowners can sell Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), that extra energy can generate funds over and above the free energy you gain for your own use. But even in states that don’t offer that benefit, covering your own energy usage through solar generation translates to instant savings. In summer, our customers see their panels working at their top performance, building up the “energy bank” to offset lower production months.

Sizing a solar energy system, setting up financing, securing permits and installing the components doesn’t happen instantly. “The process is months long,” Danny explains. The ideal time to get in touch with mtvSolar is when winter has settled in. That will allow solar panels to be installed early in the year, and turned on to capture the sun as production capabilities start to rise.

“There are noticeable rises in production from March to September and October,” Danny said.

Production graphs show the monthly solar output of a 9.45-kilowatt roof-mount system in Jefferson County, WV.

As he explains, if a home solar energy system produces more than a customer’s electricity demand in a month, a customer has no energy costs (other than the fixed fee from the electric utility) and can have additional kilowatt hours that roll into the next month. In mild months like September, a home system could still be “building the bank” of excess energy, since there is generally lower energy demand – less need for air conditioning a home and only occasional days that require heat.  Even with lower solar energy production of fall, the system has still put the homeowner ahead.

Solar production is at its lowest rate in the winter and energy demand goes up. It’s a predictable cycle, and one that mtvSolar’s consultants build into their custom plans for each home, farm or business.

If solar energy is on your list of priorities for the year, now is the optimal time to get in touch with us. Tell us your energy goals, and we will design a system that can meet them. Taking a few steps now will make it possible to capture the full potential of the summer sun, and put it to work for you as the seasons unfold.

Feds amp up grant support for solar energy projects

Renewable energy generation, efficiency upgrades & equipment for farms & businesses can now qualify for 40% grants 

In 2023, solar energy projects that power businesses and farms can be eligible to get back 40% of the cost of equipment and installation under new grant guidelines of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) program. Grant levels shot up this year from 25% to 40% of project costs, giving small farm and business owners a big boost in adding solar power to their operations.

mtvSolar is excited to see this jump in grant support for solar projects, which will put solar within reach for many more rural entrepreneurs. We know it makes a difference because we’ve already helped many customers qualify for REAP grants to make the step into solar energy. 

Valley Car Wash goes solar.

Mike Studholme, our Senior Solar PV and Battery Consultant, has worked with a wide variety of customers who harnessed the REAP grants to add sustainable power to their small business or farm.

Successful applications have added solar panels to river outfitters, small farm operations, a car wash, chiropractic clinic and a substance use recovery center.

Mike said most small businesses in West Virginia, and many across mtvSolar’s service area, qualify as “rural” on the USDA map. 

Mountaineer Recovery Center

The great news is that REAP grants can be used along with tax credits and depreciation schedules to finance a solar project. Those combined resources can cover the majority cost of a solar power installation, creating a substantial return on investment over the life of the system.

If you’ve been considering adding solar panels, battery systems or looking for ways to ramp up your energy efficiency, now is the time. We know the process, and are here to help you reduce the cost of your project and meet your energy goals. Here are some things to know:

What energy projects can qualify? Grants can be used for small and large solar generation, geothermal systems, and other renewable energy forms. 

Who can get the grants? Small business owners who get 50% of the gross income from farm or business activities in eligible rural areas.

When do we apply? The first round of grant applications for REAP are due March 31 for this fiscal year. Because the process takes several steps, get in touch with us now to talk about your solar project. mtvSolar knows the REAP process, and can walk customers through the application process. Smaller projects may be eligible for remaining grants, under an October grant deadline.

How much will the grants fund? Renewable Energy System grants range from a minimum of $2,500 to a max of $1 million. Energy Efficiency Grants range from $1,500 to $500,000.

Farm and business owners can also apply for guaranteed loans for up to 75% of project costs under the federal energy program.

Rural Energy for America Program has been key to making renewable energy projects possible for entrepreneurs and farmers. We’ve seen it for our customers and watched the impact on their electric bills and in their communities. REAP is there to support rural economic growth, energy independence and a cleaner future.

Powering recovery with solar energy & job opportunities

Employees are always at the heart of what mtvSolar does – and so is doing good in the community.

enerG Magazine recently profiled one of ways we tied all of the company priorities together in a single project. Editor Paul MacDonald penned “Appalachian Solar Power benefits Recovery Center” in the magazine’s last issue of 2022.

It recounts how mtvSolar added job training and life skills to the benefits they brought to a solar installation on a Martinsburg, West Virginia recovery center. Mountaineer Behavioral Health partnered with mtvSolar to put a 200kW system on their facility last year.

During the process of planning the project, the director asked if mtvSolar would consider hiring some of their clients, who are recovering from various substance use disorders and other challenges, to help with the installation. As Mike Studholme told the magazine, the answer was a careful “yes.” With thoughtful interviews and training by the experienced mtvSolar crew, two clients at Mountaineer Behavioral Health were hired to assist with the facility’s project.

“Giving back to the community through employment is something that is very important to us,” said Studholme. “And one of the most important things for someone in recovery is to have a daily purpose.” Helping mtvSolar to install solar components that will power Mountaineer’s recovery center offered up that kind of purpose.

A second phase will add even more panels to another Mountaineer recovery center building in 2023. 

To read the full story from MacDonald, read enerG Magazine’s online here: or visit

Air Conditioned Off-Grid Workshop

Equipment Specification

(1) Schneider SW4048 Inverter

(1) Schneider 60-150 MPPT Charge Controller

(1) Schneider InsightHome Gateway

(12) DEKA 8G27 Lead-Acid Gel Batteries

(9) 320w REC Solar Modules (2.88kW)

(2) 320w REC Solar Modules for R&D

(1) Midea 8000BTU Inverter A/C Model MAW08V1QWT

(4) LED Garage Lights 150W, 15000lm

The 16×20 structure was designed to have a 100% south facing roof for the solar modules:

The power system consists of a low-frequency Schneider SW4048, which can deliver 3.8kW continuously, with a 7kW surge rating.  The low frequency design enables it to start induction loads with ease, such as power tools.  It delivers 120/240 split phase AC true-sine power.

The 9 320w solar modules are connected in 3 strings of 3 to a Schneider 60-150 MPPT charge controller, which charges a bank of 12 DEKA 8G27 GEL batteries wired in 3P4S configuration for a usable capacity of roughly 6kWh at C/20 rate and 50% depth of discharge.  It is a 48vdc system.

The building is insulated, with an insulated roll-up garage door, standard entry door, and a window.

The window contains the Midea inverter window air conditioner.  This AC is exceedingly efficient, drawing around 350w at full power and having zero surge.  Much like a mini-split, it ramps up and down smoothly and maintains the temperature at 75f even on a 95 degree day.

The base load, including the A/C in June, consumes an average of 1.87kWh per day.  The 2.88kW of PV can produce up to 6.85kWh on the shortest winter day.  In the event of insufficient power due to extra loads or lack of sun, a generator inlet can be connected to supplemental power from the grid or a portable genset.

Heating in winter is supplied via a propane garage heater.

The real-time monitoring via Schneider Conext Insight supplies plenty of data:

Mountain View Solar Installs Free Solar Panels at Kids Clubs

Winchester, VA – Mountain View Solar’s (mtvSolar) installation team arrived early Saturday morning to begin installing an array of 87 solar panels at the Kids Clubs of Northern Shenandoah Valley. Mountain View Solar completed the installation for free as part of their Community Giveback Program to non-profit organizations.

“We are proud to help out an organization that has such a tremendous impact on the Winchester community,” said Mountain View Solar Founder and CEO Mike McKechnie. “Our installation in 2020 was just the beginning and we’re so glad to complete this project to help the Kids Clubs reduce their energy expenses.”

The Kids Clubs of Northern Shenandoah Valley offers after-school programming and summer camps for children ranging from elementary school through high school. Many of the children that attend the Kids Clubs live below the poverty line.

“This has been a dream of ours for a long time and it’s amazing to complete this project,” said Sarah Bradley, Director of Development and Marketing for the Kids Clubs of Northern Shenandoah Valley. “It also gives us a great opportunity to engage the kids with lessons on renewable energy and solar power. We’re looking forward to using the savings that we will receive as a teaching tool.”

Mountain View Solar is a regional solar and battery provider based in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia with satellite offices located in Winchester and Charles Town, West Virginia. Mountain View Solar has served the region by providing customized energy solutions for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, government, and non-profits since 1995.

“The resources that are being saved for the Kids Clubs will allow them to provide more services for the kids,” said Winchester Mayor John David Smith Jr. “The City of Winchester recently adjusted our zoning laws so we can allow more permissible solar energy on buildings and that is an achievement that I am very proud of.”

Mountain View Solar’s Community Giveback Program operates on an “Install One, Get One” model in which every time a homeowner or business goes solar, they can donate one or more panels at no cost to a participating non-profit organization. The Community Giveback Program supports non-profit organizations who want to demonstrate clean energy and reduce their operating costs. Mountain View Solar is slated to continue the Community Giveback Program with other non-profit organizations this summer.

“This 35-kilowatt system is designed to cover 100% of the electricity usage by the Kids Club,” said Mountain View Solar’s Sales and Market Development Director, Danny Chiotos. “The reason why Mountain View Solar partners with the Kids Club is because of the rising prices in electricity, childcare, and family resource needs. The Community Giveback Program is our way of helping a local non-profit that has such a great impact on the community.”

The partnership began in 2019 when Mountain View Solar donated $14,000 worth of the solar panels to the Kids Clubs of Northern Shenandoah Valley. In September 2020, Mountain View Solar installed 23 solar panels for the Kids Clubs of Northern Shenandoah Valley. By increasing the non-profit’s solar array to 110 panels, Mountain View Solar will help eliminate the Kids Clubs’ electric bills in order focus all their resources on programming.

“Getting the Kids Clubs to net-zero means the money can go back into the programs for the kids who are more than deserving of this,” said Kerry Allden-Collis, Mountain View Solar’s Inside Sales Manager. “My children are members of the Kids Clubs and the impact that this will have on the community is a legacy that will last for over thirty years.”

For more information on the Kids Clubs of Northern Shenandoah Valley, please visit

Solar: A Viable Solution to Combating Skyrocketing Electricity Rates

Most hardworking Americans would agree that in a perfect world, the cost of living would always remain low. However, with predicted hikes in electricity rates, customers need a plan of action to combat higher costs and keep more of what they’ve earned in their pockets. As such, solar power is emerging as a viable solution for customers to save money on energy costs and save for their futures. With solar, customers can make the switch from being dependent on other sources of energy to instead becoming the administrators of their own energy supply and a more comfortable way of living.

What’s Happening?

The following sources outline some of the projected changes in electricity rates:

“West Penn Power consumers will see a 23.7% increase, up from 7.7569 cents to 9.592 cents per kilowatt hour. Penn Power’s cost will go from 7.082 cents to 8.694 cents per kilowatt hour, an increase of 22.7%, according to the commission.”

“Currently, the monthly bill for an Appalachian Power residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours is $155.66. If approved as filed, the adjustment would add $18.41 to that amount. The PSC said ENEC can be reviewed every year and often makes up one-third of a customer’s power bill. This request represents an additional 12% on Appalachian Power bills.”

“Beginning May 1, ODEC increased its costs to all its 11 cooperatives by $2.32 per megawatt hour (MWh), or 0.232 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). For a typical residential household that uses 1,000 kWh of electricity monthly, according to the SEC, there will be an increase of close to $2.32.”

Reasons for the Proposed Increases

There are several factors contributing to the need for a rate increase.

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission expressed that “higher wholesale market prices for electricity are fueled in part by shifts in supply and demand for natural gas, increasing purchasing costs for electric distribution companies and driving up the price to compare, which accounts for about half of a total utility bill.”

Similarly, Virginia’s Old Dominion Electric Cooperative said “As a result of rising natural gas prices, Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC) has implemented a rate increase to cover the higher generation costs resulting primarily from those natural gas price increases, according to Southside Electric Cooperative (SEC).”

Power companies are struggling to keep up with the push and pull of supply and demand shifts. Additionally, power generation costs are higher due to the increase in purchasing costs during the production period. These factors combine to create higher utility costs for the consumer.

Escalating utility costs don’t just happen once. As rates continue to climb due to a variety of factors, alternative energy sources become more attractive to home and business owners. If you’re a frustrated consumer paying more for electricity due to increases beyond your control, consider going solar. The return-on-investment is gradual, and over time it produces significant savings for your home or business.

Benefits of Going Solar

With Mountain View Solar, understanding how solar works is made easy thanks to our highly experienced staff. We’ll show you how making the transition to solar power provides you with energy independence and how it results in economic and environmental benefits, such as:

Energy Independence:

  • Owning your own energy source
  • Reduced dependency on fossil fuels
  • Reduction of the nation’s dependency on imported fuels

Economic Benefits:

  • The Return-on-Investment (ROI) is typically 10-12 years
  • Free energy once the ROI is realized with expected system lifetime of 40+     years
  • Reduced uncertainty in energy costs

Environmental Impact:

Zero greenhouse emissions—To put this in perspective, a 5-kilowatt system installed in WV can offset the annual greenhouse gas emissions of one vehicle.

Mountain View Solar Can Help!

Choosing the best solar option for your home or business is easier than you think, thanks to our helpful and professional staff. We provide custom free estimates, and we can also provide you with financing information. Our financing options include $0 down options where you own your system. These financed systems can be cash positive from year 1 and are paid for it through fixed monthly payments which are often less than your electric savings + solar renewable energy credit income.

Take Note: Be cautious of companies encouraging solar system leases—you could end up with a 20-year contract or possibly a lien on your home. Solar leases can also greatly affect the sale of a home. At the end of the day, leasing does little to save you money and can result in you losing control over your own roof.

At Mountain View Solar, you can feel safe with the knowledge that you get:

  • Quality solar PV system with a 25-year panel warranty
  • Professional installation by our experienced, local, in-house team
  • A 26 percent Federal tax credit
  • SREC income that you keep
  • Added value to your home (Pearl Certification)

It is our mission to enable people throughout the region to utilize solar energy to experience energy independence and environmental stewardship. We also believe strongly in education and community outreach. Over the course of our 13 years, we’ve assisted businesses both small and large and helped owners of homes of all sizes. You’ll find the same dedicated level of Mountain View Solar customer service no matter the size of your home or business.

Solar energy is here, it’s exciting, and it benefits you and the environment. At Mountain View Solar, we make sure that we provide you with a free estimate that is easy to understand. And, we’re always open to and available for questions or concerns—something you don’t always find with utility and solar leasing companies.

If you’re ready to take control of your energy costs, contact us today. Life is busy enough—the rate increase you battle today will most likely reappear as utility companies struggle for financial footing. Not only does going solar improve your ROI in the long run, with the installation of batteries it provides invaluable peace-of-mind in the event of a power outage.

Mountain View Solar is a family-owned company based in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. We are also licensed in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Let us help you decide upon the best solar option for your home or business. By investing now, you’ll be on the right path to a strong ROI and, best of all, energy independence you can rely on! It’s a win-win!