Had solar for years & considering an upgrade? It’s probably not necessary

Solar technology has evolved and advanced since mtvSolar got into the renewable energy business in 2009. There are new components emerging all the time — inverters, optimizers, panels, batteries, mounting hardware and more. Does that mean the solar generating system that’s been on your roof, faithfully sending power to your home, is outdated? Most likely it’s not.

While panel efficiency has improved some over the years, a solar PV panel that’s been collecting rays on your roof for 10 years is probably doing its job just fine, and will continue to for another 15 or more years.

In a recent informational article, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office tells solar system owners to expect a long life for their panels: “While the average system’s power output diminishes slightly with time, most systems maintain at least 80% of their initial power output for at least 25 years.”

Solar panels are built to last, out in all sorts of weather. And they’ll keep working, especially if your system has a good monitoring component that alerts you to any problems and your solar installer stands behind their work, offering service for any snags.

As the Department of Energy notes, solar energy owners may find that their energy needs have changed over time, and they’d benefit from adding panels to a roof or ground-mounted array. As electric rates rise, homeowners often contact us to build out their solar systems, having seen their energy savings add up over years.

The other option for an established solar generation system is to add battery storage, which allows panel owners to manage their own usage more closely and reduce their reliance on the electric grid for more reliability and flexibility. In some locales, electric customers pay a premium for power they draw during “peak” times. A battery system working with solar panels provide the option for a homeowner to use their own stored solar power during that expensive “peak” time, then recharge or switch back to grid power during cheaper energy periods.

If having the newest, sleekest solar panels on your home is still a goal, several factors should be considered:

–The cost of labor to remove and replace the panels

–Replacement costs for components that will work together with any existing units

–Reduction in net metering revenue, if state laws have changed since your initial solar installation. Many locales have cut how much they pay solar owners for their excess energy in recent years. Replacement systems may trigger those new lower rates.

mtvSolar is happy to help customers make wise choices about possible upgrades and additions to their renewable energy system. We can assist in weighing your energy goals and budget, and finding ways to make the most of your energy savings for decades to come!

Just a sidenote: Because we love to share the solar, mtvSolar continues to donate used or excess solar PV panels to our community non-profit partners, boosting their ability to cut electricity costs and use their funds instead to support their service missions. If our customers upgrade their system and have working panels, we save them for this purpose.

Have questions about upgrading or boosting your renewable energy system? Get in touch and see what mtvSolar can do for you.

Storm-proof your summer with solar & battery power

Intense summer storms that bring heavy rain and high winds can be just as disruptive to the power grid as snowy winter blasts. And hot-weather power outages pose their own challenges — how do we keep cool without electricity? How do we preserve our food supply without power for our refrigerators and freezers? How do we keep water flowing from a residential well into a home without electricity for a pump?

In most areas, power outages during a summer storm can be brief. But the growing intensity and frequency of seasonal weather has energy experts making it clear that the U.S. power grid is under stress, making longer outages more likely and frequent. Their answer — build a more resilient source of power, including renewables.

“A resilient power system reduces the likelihood of long-duration outages over large service areas, limits the scope and impact of outages when they do occur, and rapidly restores power after an outage,” the U.S. Department of Energy says in a look at energy resilience. “Clean energy can help prevent electric grid disturbances and enable fast recovery after a disturbance. Using renewable energy resources—solar, water, wind, geothermal, and bioenergy—and enhanced power electronics gives us more ways to keep the power on or bring it back after an outage.”

But how does that help a homeowner now? The model is clear — having a source of renewable energy protects your power supply, bridges short power cuts and makes it possible to weather long power outages while supplying basic needs.

mtvSolar customers with solar panels and battery backup systems often don’t even know the power is out in their neighborhood because their lights stay on, refrigerators stay cold and cooling systems keep running during short outages. Their electrical monitoring will alert them, but otherwise life goes on as usual. For longer outages, the cycle of solar charging for battery systems is easily managed by customer controls that let them choose how to spend their solar-generated power. Customers have shared their stories of protecting valuable resources by having solar and batteries during a long electrical disruption.

Want to build your own power resilience for the summers and winters ahead? mtvSolar has the experience to design a system that is proven to work as you need it, for your particular power needs. Get in touch — we’re ready to walk you through your options and set up a site visit to get started.

Solar in the news: American-made renewables take center stage

Energy independence isn’t just for homeowners who want to own their own power sources. It’s a national movement, fueled by the desire to rebuild America’s energy supply-chain and bolster the country’s power infrastructure. Modern demands for electricity are growing, and the grid can’t always keep up with traditional sources of power. Advocates for domestic renewable energy have been on the forefront of the issue for decades, and the day for renewables appears to have arrived.

Homeowners and business owners can now leverage tax incentives that are in place to put American-made renewable energy components front and center. In areas of the country that are transitioning away from traditional fossil-fuel energy economies, those incentives are even bigger.

Photo courtesy of National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

The U.S. Department of Energy is harnessing federal funds to encourage installers and customers to buy solar and other power parts that are Made in America. Not only that, there’s a strong push to build out America’s renewable energy section in all its facets — from manufacturing to new technology innovation and workforce training.

The federal Solar Energies Technology Office has crafted several solar-focused American Made Challenges that put cash on the line for new and effective technologies, ways of measuring renewable energy effectiveness and tools to integrate solar, wind and hydroelectric power with the existing power grid.

These efforts to ignite new thinking about renewable energy methods and solidify the market for American-made components will be shaping the energy sector for decades to come. Solar and energy storage technologies will keep getting better as more and more young minds focus their energy on our energy.

mtvSolar has been using American-made solar components since its founding and continues to partner with U.S. companies that make high-quality solar products with proven performance. Many of our customers specifically request American-made components and we are well-versed in the best choices to meet their energy needs and stay on budget.

Habitat partnership in Va. makes solar part of affordable housing

Winchester Mayor David Smith with Kim Herbstritt, Blue Ridge Habitat for Humanity

Winchester, Va. city officials and affordable housing advocates celebrated the start of a project this week to add solar panels to five newly-constructed Habitat for Humanity homes in the downtown area. Winchester Mayor David Smith said the renewable energy addition to the two-story homes is exactly what the city’s planners have in mind for the future. The Winchester Star reported on the gathering on Wednesday.

Kim Herbstritt of Blue Ridge Habitat for Humanity welcomed visitors on Tuesday, March 19 to see the homes and watch mtvSolar installation crews work to prepare the solar installations. High winds on Tuesday kept the crews from attaching solar panels to the first of five homes, but the rails to hold the panels are installed and ready. Five panels will go on each home to start.

Homeowners are expected to reduce their energy bills to somewhere around $20 per month once the panels are connected and feeding their electric supply. More Habitat for Humanity homes in the Blue Ridge area will get solar panels in the near future, with mtvSolar as the trusted solar installation partner.

mtvSolar President Mike McKechnie talks as installation crews worked to prepare a roof for solar panels.

mtvSolar Mike McKechnie talked about the importance of making homes affordable for residents over the long term by fixing their energy costs. Installing solar panels essentially locks in electric costs, which normally rise steadily over the life of a home, Mike said. When mtvSolar began as a construction company, his crews donated their labor and time to help build Habitat for Humanity homes in the area. Mike McKechnie said 20 years later, mtvSolar is still an advocate for affordable housing and is excited by the movement toward more energy efficient homes. The company continues to support the mission of Habitat for Humanity through direct donations, community give-back partnerships and reduced-price work. mtvSolar customers can choose to give a panel to community projects like Habitat for Humanity when they purchase their own solar energy system.

Jeff Heie of GiveSolar, headquartered in Harrisonburg, said charitable donors have made it possible to add solar energy systems to Habitat for Humanity homes throughout Virginia, adding another level of sustainability both to affordable housing and the environment. Additional solar energy projects are in the planning stages.

Jeff Heie, GiveSolar

How to fit solar into new home construction

Building a new home comes with hundreds of decisions, large and small. What’s the square footage? What material is the exterior? What’s the roofline look like? Throughout the process, homeowners have to pick bedroom sizes, window styles, flooring and appliances. One of the most basic decisions can have the biggest impact over the life of the structure – what will power the home?

Many of today’s new homes are all electric – an approach that takes fossil fuels out of the home energy landscape and creates energy savings. Indoor air quality and safety also benefit from the removal of various fuels from a residence. 

But what supplies the electricity? In most cases, a residential connection to the power grid is one of the first utilities to be brought to a house under construction. So what do you do if you want solar energy or battery storage to be part of your home energy supply? At what point in the construction process can those systems be brought into the planning and design?

Mike Studholme.

This blog will explore how you can bring solar into the early stages of planning your dream home to create a residence that can generate its own energy for the decades ahead. 

So when is the right time to bring solar into the construction conversation? As early as possible, says Mike Studholme, Senior PV and Battery Consultant with mtvSolar.

“Orientation is key. Make sure the roof is going to be oriented properly from the start,” said Studholme. How a new house will sit on the site, what kind of clearance the site has and the pitch of the roof all affect the viability of solar panel systems.

If a builder doesn’t offer a solar package among their services, ask if they have worked with a solar installer they trust. Well-established solar companies like mtvSolar have a track record of working with multiple contracting companies in an area, making the coordination of building and installation much smoother. 

And if a builder doesn’t have “a solar guy,” a homeowner can bring a solar company into the process themselves.

Solar + home batteries for EV charging works well.

“You can contact us directly and we can talk with your builder, do a design and give them a proposal they can build into the project costs,” said Studholme. 

Solar proposals for a brand new home can come from house plans, with a few added details – what appliances the homeowner expects to have and other electrical demands in the home like an EV charger, heated pool or hot tub.

“We can take a plan set and design a solar array. It can take place very early in the process,” said Mike.

Starting the solar conversation early in a construction project can pay off in multiple ways:

  • Ensuring the home and roof are oriented for maximum solar production
  • Adding solar costs to construction contract for integrated financing
  • Reducing extra costs by incorporating trenching and electrical work into initial build
  • Starting energy production and banking solar credits DURING construction
  • Streamlining permits

Getting a builder and a solar installer talking together with the homeowner early in the process helps everyone – whether solar panels will be part of the main construction process or will be added after the new home is complete. 

“Our production and sales team, builder and homeowner come together on a call where we all agree to a plan. We’ll coordinate with the builder as to when it’s the ideal time for us to come install,” Mike said.

Once the solar plan is in place, construction will follow its normal path, with a few minimal preparations for a future array. A designated “solar conduit chase” from the attic to the electrical room clears the path for solar connections after walls are closed in, for example.

Mike Studholme said as with all solar projects, mtvSolar works with each homeowner to design and install a system that will meet their needs best and fit into their energy budget. For a brand-new home, that personal approach extends to collaborating with contractors all along the way.

“We’re very experienced with how to coordinate with builders,” said Mike. “Communication along the way makes all the difference.”

If you’re wondering, could your dream home power itself? And your vehicles? With the right kind of building site, some forward planning and an experienced solar installer, the answer is likely a sunny Yes!

A system that paid for itself in one storm

Like most solar owners, John Snyder calculated how long it would take for his solar panel array and battery backup system to pay for itself from the initial upfront cost. That calculation prepared he and his wife for a 7-year return on investment. But their solar and battery payoff came much sooner than that. Their 45-panel, 10 kW system was installed by mtvSolar at their Summersville, W.Va. farm in 2011. In June of 2012, a freak derecho storm hit West Virginia, knocking out power to most of the state for 12 days in sweltering temperatures.

“The battery backup system paid for itself in that derecho,” said Snyder. He and his wife watched people lined up at gas stations trying to get gasoline to power their generators to keep refrigerators cool, fans running and supply electricity to essentials.

“We never lost power,” he said. Their solar and battery backup saved two freezers full of expensive meats and specialty products that would have been near impossible to replace. “It paid for itself in one storm,” Snyder said.

Shortly after, Super Storm Sandy knocked power out for another seven days. He and his wife never lost electricity.

Nearly a dozen years later, operating a rare breed chicken farm with multiple coops and pens, the Snyders have an even bigger solar array and slightly different battery backup, all paying for itself in self-generation.

For 10 months of the year, their electric bill is around $5.

Back when the couple started looking for a solar contractor, there were very few choices in West Virginia. He found a number for mtvSolar and called to see if the Berkeley Springs company would travel to Summersville, several hours away, to install a system. A salesman said yes, drove down to see their farm and talk about the possibilities.

Snyder said one thing in particular made an impression on him.

He and his wife had started thinking about a combination of solar panels and wind, thinking one of their fields would be a good candidate for a windmill. The mtvSolar salesman didn’t recommend it. The location would have required a 150-ft. mast and the equipment would have been expensive to repair if anything malfunctioned.

“He could have said, ‘Okay, we’ll sell it to you’ but he didn’t,” Snyder said. That honest approach impressed him, and kicked off a long customer relationship, including added solar panels and battery upgrades.

“We have recommended mtvSolar to anyone who’s looking at solar,” said Snyder.

Build the ultimate backup system

Be ready for anything.

The world’s full of uncertainties. From monster storms to surprise grid hacks, you deserve power on demand. Forget scrambling in the dark – mtvSolar builds ultimate backup systems, crafted for your peace of mind.

No outages, no worries:

  • Stay grid-connected: Enjoy solar power with seamless backup during dips and blackouts.
  • Go fully off-grid: Ditch the grid entirely and embrace independent energy freedom.
  • Fuel for all seasons: An auto-start propane generator can kick in when sunlight is limited and the batteries need a boost, only sipping fuel as needed.
  • Control without being online: We design systems that thrive even without internet reliance.
  • Tailored to you: We craft the perfect backup solution for your needs and budget.

Don’t wait for the lights to go out. Embrace your power today.

Get a free consultation and secure your bright future with Mountain View Solar.

We tested out the new Smart Load controller for you

This week, we put the SolarEdge Smart Home load controller to the test! Our team trained with SolarEdge on site to install the controller in one of our own homes — letting us see how this new component can fit into residential settings and work with existing solar components. We liked what we saw!

Take control of your home energy like never before!

The SolarEdge Smart Load Controller is a game-changer. It gives homeowners an easy way to manage what gets power during an outage, and for how long. Here’s what else:

  • Maximize your solar self-consumption: Use more of the clean energy your panels produce, reducing your reliance on the grid and saving you money.
  • Extend your backup battery power: Prioritize essential appliances during outages, keeping your lights on and your family comfortable.
  • Schedule and control your heavy hitters: Run appliances like pool pumps, air conditioners, and electric vehicle chargers on your own terms, using smart scheduling and remote control. ‍
  • Track your energy in real-time: Monitor your solar production, consumption, and savings with the user-friendly mySolarEdge app.

Our field-tests of the controller, with company reps and our top electricians working side by side, gave us a real-life look at whether this new component is suitable for our customers. The answer — it is.

The SolarEdge Smart Load Controller is available NOW from mtvSolar! Want to know more? Let’s chat!  

Call us now at 540-686-2052.

Solar & batteries: A key to energy resilience during winter weather

As winter approaches, North America faces another season of power reliability challenges. Extreme weather events, such as ice storms and snowstorms, can knock out power grids, leaving millions of people without electricity for days or even weeks.

Solar and battery storage systems can provide a critical source of energy during winter weather events. Solar panels generate electricity even on cloudy days, and batteries can store that electricity for use when the grid goes down. This is especially important when temperatures are low and daylight hours are shorter.

Solar and batteries improve energy resilience during winter weather in a few ways:

  • Reduce reliance on natural gas. Natural gas is a major source of electricity generation in many parts of North America. But natural gas pipelines can freeze during extreme cold weather, cutting off the fuel supply to power plants. Solar and battery storage systems reduce reliance on natural gas by providing a reliable source of backup power.
  • Provide continuous power during outages. When the grid goes down, solar and battery storage systems can provide continuous power to homes and businesses. They can keep critical infrastructure up and running, such as hospitals, water treatment plants, and communication networks.
  • Extend the reach of the grid. Solar and battery storage systems can provide power to remote areas that aren’t reached by the traditional grid, improving energy access and resilience in underserved communities.

How solar and batteries work together

Solar panels generate electricity during the day, which can be used to power homes and businesses directly. Any excess electricity can be stored in batteries for use later. When the sun goes down or the grid goes down, batteries can provide backup power.

Solar and battery storage systems can be used to create a microgrid, which is a small, self-contained power system that can operate independently of the grid. Microgrids can be used to provide power to homes, businesses, and communities during emergencies.

Real-life ways that solar & batteries help

There are a number of examples of solar and battery storage systems being used to improve energy resilience during winter weather events. For example:

  • In Texas, a microgrid powered by solar and batteries provided power to a hospital during the February 2021 winter storm.
  • In New York, a solar and battery storage system at a grocery store provided power to the store and its surrounding neighborhood during a power outage.
  • In California, a microgrid powered by solar and batteries is being used to provide power to a community of low-income residents who are often affected by power outages.

Solar and batteries combined with a generator creates a hybrid power source

  • Batteries can store excess electricity generated by solar panels for use later. This can help to bridge the gap between when the sun goes down and when the generator is used to power homes and businesses.
  • With certain system designs, the generator can be used to top off the batteries when they are low. This can help to extend the life of the batteries, reduce the number of times that the generator needs to be used, and cut down on gas consumption.

By combining solar panels, batteries, and a generator, homeowners and businesses can create a hybrid power system that can provide reliable power even during winter weather events.

Solar and battery storage systems can play a critical role in improving energy resilience during winter weather events. By reducing reliance on natural gas, providing continuous power during outages, and extending the reach of the grid, solar and batteries can help to keep people and businesses safe and connected.