Customer testimonial: A quick response to add battery backup in rural Pennsylvania

After losing power over Christmas for a day and a half, Steve Hendricks starting looking into a battery backup system to tie to his home’s solar panels in the rural countryside of Bedford County, Pa. He and his wife were in line for a Tesla Powerwall, but the installation options fell through. Steve searched online and found mtvSolar was a certified Tesla Powerwall installer, and called us. Consultant Natalie Friend responded right away, and very soon Steve had four Powerwalls in action. Several months later, he decided to add two more Powerwalls to help charge the couple’s electric vehicles and add to their rural home’s power backup system. Steve called us back and after a day’s work, we had upgraded his system to six Powerwalls.

Steve said the first four batteries were able to cover the whole house electric needs, but he wanted to ensure there wouldn’t be any more power interruptions. Just last week, the power went out for his neighbors and he said he never would have known the grid was down except that his Tesla monitoring app sent him a notification it had happened.

Steve was impressed by how responsive mtvSolar was to his request for the batteries and installation work, and how hard everyone worked to get the job done. Everyone he encountered was friendly and took time to explain the work they were doing. “It was a totally positive experience,” he said. He would recommend mtvSolar to anyone interested in building out their own solar and battery backup system.